Streamlining how to get Users into a Secure System... Efficiently

Knowing that the process was imported almost directly from the previous platform, I questioned what was needed for our users to be in the product. There were several pieces of required information, but much of it was potentially unknown to the person doing the inviting. We were asking someone to know all the invitee's phone numbers, job titles, organizations etc... T

his was a lot of information, that had to be entered for each new invitee.

My Question:

My question: How much of this is necessary information was? And who owns the responsibility to enter it in the database?

I proposed that we move much of the information responsibility to the person being invited and have them go through it when they're building their profile. Leaving only an email address to kick off the process of profile creation.

Other Improvements Made

Better Input

Type ahead Search for a user by name or email address.

The ability to copy and paste email addresses from other sources, like Outlook or Excel.

Advanced Flow

We still have a 5 step wizard, but it also got revamped with better documentation and instructions to get a user through the flow more seamlessly.
It also carries over the information from the streamlined method.